It appears I’m suffering a huge dose of writers block.
Any advice or inspiration you could give would be most welcome over at The Romaniacs Blog
(Either follow this link or click on the Romaniac avatar on the right.)
Thank you!
Until another day
Bye for now
Womag news and free entry writing competitions
10 hours ago
Hope you've managed to find that inspiration by now! Sometimes, all we need is a walk in different surroundings to kickstart the creativity.
I said something about Charles Dickens on your facebook page. He just sat at his desk drawing pictures and making dots apparently but he made himself sit there until his time was up. You could always try sitting very still and meditating; or going to a vivid source of ideas - an art exhibition; a novel full of verbal pyrotechnics or you could begin to study something that you knew nothing about before: eg the manufacture of incense. I don't know. Or you could write an article about ways of overcoming writers' block. And just because the ink isn't flowing from the pen doesn't mean that you are not writing with your brain. You subconscious is generating that string of words that you will shortly be pulling out. Think of writers' block as a species of buffering; the brain catching up with the hand. Don't worry!
Rosemary and Fennie - two of my stalwarts - your support is always so welcome and much appreciated. THANK YOU.
Rosemary - Today I returned from two nights at in-laws caravan and sooo wish I could have remained there a whole week because my creative flow was just starting last night, and I had to come back today!
Inspiration IS within. I caught sight of it this weekend and I can't tell you how good it feels, knowing it's still there, somewhere.
Fennie - you always write such wise and thoughtful words.
The quotes from Darwin, (btw - he's from Shrewsbury, just a few miles down the road from me) have often given me source for inspiration. For example, 'The organism that adapts will survive, etc...'
And you clearly know me too well after all this time because yes, I am always writing in my brain, even if not o paper/PC.
Thank you, both, for your comments and encouragement.
Hi Bluestocking, I wrote a blog post about this very thing at: I hope it helps. It is terrible to not be able to write. Hope you find help by reading my post.. Rmrmber my post bout Branding yourself? I forgot to go here and find you then. Now I've found you in distress. Take care,
Hi Bluestocking, I wrote a blog post about this very thing at: I hope it helps. It is terrible to not be able to write. Hope you find help by reading my post.. Rmrmber my post bout Branding yourself? I forgot to go here and find you then. Now I've found you in distress. Take care,
It's difficult, isn't it but veryt glad you have such good support. I find deadlines a good way to get wrtiing but I haven't written any fiction for a while.
I so want to leave a comment that will make the block go away. I usually find myself stuck when I'm trying to write the wrong story. Or I'm writing the right story but at the wrong time.
Sometimes it's just that I can't see why the characters can't just get it together. I know that somewhere there's a huge problem that's keeping them apart, but I can't quite figure out what it is. You really need to understand the conflict before you can understand your characters. (That I know this doesn't help - I still wander off into the mist hoping that one of them will tell me. They always do, but it's a very tough way to write.
Sometimes you just need to forget what you're struggling with and write something completely off the wall. That would fantasy for me, or SF, or erotica.
Or maybe just do the ironing. Smooth out the tangles in your mind while you're flattening the sheets! Good luck.
thanks for that great info..
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