I deliberated how to do this; my final post of the A-Z challenge. I’m sorry fellow bloggers, but I have the chance to go away to the mother-in-law’s caravan in Wales today, and after two weeks of kids and Easter Holidays, and ongoing health problems, I need a few days out.
‘Me’ time. I've been likened to a hermit in the past. It's a good job those close to me understand. Hubby is home for the double bank holiday weekend and able to manage the boys, domestic chores, and animals. I shall be tucked away at a quiet caravan park that nestles between the Welsh hills, somewhere between Devil's Bridge and Aberystwyth and has no internet connection or mobile reception. Peace and quiet. Solitude. Most importantly, there's a TV set, squidgy sofa and no interruptions so I may watch the Royal Wedding coverage to my little hearts content without fear of depriving the boys of SpongeBob SquarePants or playing the Wii!
In between waving my Union Jack, I have plenty of time to reflect. Plan. Write. I’ve hardly done anything on my current WIP and time is running away until the deadline for the Romantic Novelist's NWS.
For those who may have been interested in my last three A-Z posts:
X … was going to be for - X rated. Is it just me, but I blush at the mere thought of writing sex scenes? Notoriously difficult to write, I have managed a few saucy lines in my current WIP although I'm not brave enough to share them with you at the moment. I may post them when I return, to see what you think ;)
Y ... was for YOU.
It’s funny how you meet people. I’ve said it many times over the years. A few weeks ago I was lethargic and struggling with confidence, motivation and health problems. Feeling particularly lack lustre, and defunct of mojo, I made my usual visit to the lovely Talli Roland’s blog. She always cheers me up! I saw the A-Z challenge was starting the following day and from somewhere, someone enthusiastic (and a little bonkers) whom I recognised as me in a past life waved madly in the background, and urged, ‘Yes, I can do that!’I dared myself to do a blog every day, to get me back in front of the laptop every day, focusing instead of drifting aimlessly day to day, achieving nothing and increasingly frustrated that my novel was not progressing. Writer’s write. It’s as simple as that. I see that now after meeting all of you; listening to your tips, ideas, work ethic, and receiving your words of support and encouragement have made me feel alive again. Seriously. I can’t tell you how glad I am that I did the A-Z challenge.
Thank you to Arlee Bird and all the other hosts for your efforts.
This brings me to...'Z'
'Z' is for … Z end…
It wasn’t that I couldn’t think of 'Z' words. I could think of several, but when I considered that this would be the last blog in the A-Z challenge, nothing made the grade for ‘Z’ - the final letter, the end, the finale - and so seeing the significance, it seems appropriate that’s how I finish.
I got to the end.
I had a little goal when I started to get over 100 followers… and hey, look at me. That’s not really important. What I love about this challenge is that I've met some new and really diverse, versatile, funny, thoughtful, quirky bloggers, and some cyber friends to remain with me as we continue our journey, together, to publication.
So there you are; one post that covers the last three letters of the A-Z post. I may be bending the rules to suit myself but I don’t consider I’ve failed the challenge by posting my last two days in with this post. Looking back to a month ago, I wasn’t sure then I would even get past the first couple of days. Who’d have thought it, eh? You can do anything if you set your mind to it.
I'll be back very soon but in the meantime, think of me, dressed in red, white and blue on Friday. The rain will no doubt be banging down on the roof of the caravan, and sheep bleating away in the distance, drowning out the trumpeting of the Blues and Royal Dragoons. But I’ll be waving my flag madly, and toasting a mug of British tea to you all…
Until another day
Bye for now
Floating Lady …
4 hours ago
Ah you actually had 146 followers! only I never registered. Well done for completing your blog challenge. I bet Cate would much rather be in a tiny Welsh parish Church tomorrow with just you, William a few friends and family listening to the sound of rain on the roof and the sheep bleating in the background. Saved all my ironing for tomorrow , to give me something to do while listening to the commentators waiting for the new couple to be wed.
good for you. take all the time you can get! glad i met you =)
have a happy x,y,z long weekend!
I've thoroughly enjoyed following your A-Z, hope you have a wonderful few days relaxing and enjoying the Royal Wedding.
I can't wait for tomorrow and will be hoisting flags and celebrating.
Congrats on finishing your blog challenge! I hope you have fun on your little break--the pic is gorgeous and it's making me wish I was going there too. ;)
You've been very brave and inspiring for all of us. I'm glad I met you, even though it's through cyberspace. I'm always drawn to people with heart and spirit. Your sincerity reaches far and wide. Goodluck and keep on writing. ;)
Good for you and taking a break! I'm a little jealous! I've enjoyed this challenge and meeting all the other great bloggers out there! Have a great weekend!
Good for you! Enjoy the peace, quiet and royal wedding coverage.
Have a good time in Wales! And enjoy the rest. I bet you come back refreshed and raring to go!
Have a lovely weekend away in lovely Wales BSM! If you're up for it I can recommend where I live (Anglesey) for a visit - and don't forget Anglesey is where Wills and Kate will be setting up home after they are married ;o) Caroline x p.s your A-Z challenge was a joy to read. Well done you and good luck with the NWS. I've not entered this year but it is a *great* scheme.
Have a fantastic time and a rest in Wales, Debbie. Very envious.
Well done on getting through this challenge so beautifully. Have a wonderful break and come back refreshed.
Enjoy the vacation! And Z End is my last post. Oh well!
Ahh...it sounds lovely. Wish I could escape to a caravan for awhile in the Welsh countryside! I can't even get away to the Nebraska countryside for a few days! :-)
Well done Debbie. A - Z has been a good read. - sorry not to comment on each and every one.
Enjoy your 'me' time - I'm escaping to Manchester for much the same reason.
Have a wonderful time in Wales! And, it's been a pleasure meeting you through the Challenge!
Congratulations! i'm sure you're ecstatic at finally finishing the A-Z and going off on vacation. :P enjoy the well deserved break.
Have fun you deserve the trip. I have a very hard time writing love scenes and so I stay clear of them. I agree z-end is a great use of the letter z and is appropriate.
What a lovely way to end the blogfest! Have fun on that trip, and congrats on all of your many followers! Well deserved, Ms. Mum. :)
You did it! And so well. I am proud of you, again :-).
Sigh. :-( I finally got to your blog and you're away.
Anyway, this South African loved watching the wedding. Kate looked STUNNING!
enjoy your time off! I'm sure it will do wonders
its been an intresting challenge
When you get back from your vacation, I hope you stop by my blog so you can see the award I'm passing to you.
You deserve it. =)
Congratulations on finishing the challenge early and going off for a well-deserved break! Enjoy!
Ms.MUM, I'm presenting some special awards on my blog tomorrow, and you're one of the recipients. So please drop by if you have time. :)
I definitely understand the need to take some time out for yourself after a major undertaking like the A-Z Challenge. I'm still going around hitting up the last 300 blogs or so that I didn't get to in April (not for lack of trying.) It's a pleasure to meet you post-AZ!
Nice to meet you, Bluestocking Mum. Congrats on the blog challenge! I'm visiting from Anita Howard's post on blog awards. I'll be back.
(= Enjoyed your post.
How wonderful to have an escape in beautiful Wales. I've been to Cardiff and Caerphilly castle... Tintern Abbey-- breathtaking views-- I was a student at the time and really soaked it up.
I'm going to spend time in London, the Lake District and Edinburgh this June. Quite excited to revisit.
Hope your Holiday was divine and perhaps a little bit X-rated. (;
Have a lovely time - you deserve it.
I appreciate the kind comment you left me on my blog.
Congratulations for making it to the end with us. And it's great that you added so many followers. It will be good to slow down a bit, but this April will be one to remember. Thank you for adding to those memories.
Don't forget to pick up your Winner's Badge at my site.
Tossing It Out
I'm not sure if you'll see this but I just wanted to say thank you so much for visiting my blog. I had intended to spend these wee small hours visiting blogs of MYWYN paticipants. I came to yours first and I stayed to read all the entries!
Your courage and humour in the face of so much adversity inspires me. I hope to get to know you better.
I wonder if we passed each other as Aberystwyth / Devil's Bridge is where we also had a short break at the same time as you. Stunning, breathtaking area. Stunning blog too.
I had to come on over again and let you know that you won the first of my three comments contest for my turning 33 this month! Congratulations! Check out my blog entry today to find out the details of what this entails!
I like the part of the get-away that has no internet connection or cell-phone reception.
Hope you've come back from Wales raring to go and wasn't it a wonderful wedding!
horrocks meant to add congratulations with the blog challenge too....but hit the wrong button!
You got right to the end with the challenge - utterly brilliant. How's it going with the Rom Nov Manuscript? Mine had been posted, so now for the awful wait. I hope you had the break you needed and have come back refreshed (and with the finished article)
Well done in finishing the A-Z Challenge. Hope your peace and quiet turned out to be delightful.
well done! :) Hope the trip was wonderful.
Hope you had a lovely time in the caravan x
Well done that's a great achievement - holiday well earned!
nice... and hope you enjoyed your time! :-)
Hi Deb, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog posts, our wedding was perfect. So glad you live close by, went to Church Streeton a few weeks ago to the antiques centre. Love your blog - did you enjoy your solitude in the caravan? If you're ever in Montgomery call in to Indigo Moon and have a coffee, be nice to meet you. Have a lovely day xxx
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